Ministries of Worship

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for communion for each service, ensuring the proper color linens and wall hangings, setting the table for communion, and placing floral arrangements. Also cleans the altar at the end of the service and ensures that all is washed and properly stored.


When serving at the altar, acolytes are actively assisting the celebrant in the worship of God. There are acolyte responsibilities during all parts of the services, including the procession, communion, and recession.


Lectors participate in regular and special services by reading the scriptures and leading the psalm selection. Lectors also assist especially as Chalice Bearer, and help with preparations for the service.


Ushers welcome people entering the church before worship services and hand out bulletins. They pass the collection plate, choose oblation bearers, help parishioners get to the altar table during communion, notify the clergy if there are people unable to receive communion at the altar rail, and provide the clergy with each service’s attendance count.