
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. – Proverbs 9:9

Relating to our Values:  Education and Leadership
Forming disciples, both lay and clergy, to be effective agents of God’s transformational love

Our Vision is caring for each generation by providing formation that enriches our faith and helps to claim our gifts

  • Baptismal preparation
  • Inquirers class / Confirmation preparation
  • Sunday School / Storytelling
  • Youth Group
  • Bible Study
  • Daughters of the King
  • Brotherhood of St Andrew

Sunday School / Storytelling

Our children are included fully in our worship. They head to Sunday School right after Communion to explore further how to live into our discipleship. Children are provided developmentally appropriate, safe, and loving opportunities to learn, wonder, and formulate their faith Elementary students focus on biblical stories; middle school students explore the larger stories of biblical characters and how to use faith as a decision-making tool; and high school age children have a lectionary-based Bible study written specifically for them. Sunday school meets from September through June.

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an order of women in the church who take a vow of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. They participate in Diocesan and Provincial programs that include annual retreat and a National Triennial Conference. They maintain a prayer list which honors the request of anyone in need of prayer, and Daughters can be found serving on all committees of our congregation and participating in all activities in the life of St. Mary’s. Any woman in the congregation over the age of 18 is eligible and encouraged to join. Applicants must undergo a three-month training period which enables them to determine if this calling is what they truly want to undertake.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a missionary and evangelism ministry of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. In fact, it is the oldest evangelistic ministry in the Episcopal Church. Our goal is to bring men and boys to Jesus Christ.

This ministry’s disciplines are PRAYER, STUDY, and SERVICE. It strives to develop and equip men and boys for faithful discipleship to effect changed lives throughout the world for the greater glory of God.

Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 11:00am, people gather to study the Scriptures through the course of the Bible. This course of study lasts for approximately an hour and is punctuated with song. It is followed by noonday prayers, and litany for healing is offered.