St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Wheaton Parish welcomes you. We are a diverse and vibrant congregation whose mission is to nurture, nourish, embrace, and uplift all who walks in our doors. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, we will embrace and cherish you because we are all children of Christ.
We offer in-person services on Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
You can also access this service using different venues:
Watch the service on our YouTube Channel: StMaryMagdalene-MD
Live stream on Facebook (
Zoom: to receive the link or access it via the phone, please contact us.
We hold a prayer service on Tuesday @ 7 p.m. via Compline and a Wholeness and Healing Eucharist on Thursday @ 3:00 pm.
Bulletins are available to the right
Office phone: 301-871-7660